Last Express Entry PNP Update

Some of Canada’s most desired destination provinces have been active with respect to their Express Entry and provincial nominee program (PNP)) streams this Spring, giving candidates in the Express Entry pool a range of opportunities to obtain a provincial nomination certificate. With such a nomination, a candidate obtains 600 additional points and an invitation to apply (ITA) for permanent residence at a subsequent draw from the pool.

A recent report issued by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) discovered the importance of PNP programs for candidates who want to take a important step towards achieving their Canadian immigration goals. Last year, more than one-in-four invited candidates had a provincial nomination, up from around one-in-eight the previous year. Moreover, so far this year provinces have appeared keen to welcome even more new applications from candidates in the pool.

Over recent weeks, the provinces of Ontario, Saskatchewan, Nova Scotia, and British Columbia (BC) have each taken significant steps to bringing in more immigrants and their families through Express Entry.


Earlier this month, the government of Ontario announced that it would issue Notifications of Interest to candidates in the Express Entry pool on a weekly basis.

Previously, NOIs for this stream had been issued from time to time, but with no indication of regular issuance periods from the province. Indeed, no NOIs were issued between February, 2016 and February, 2017, however all of that is set to change.

The program is different from other PNP programs .It is neither first-come, first-served, nor Expression of Interest-based. Instead, the OINP searches the pool for eligible candidates who may settle in the province successfully based on set criteria, and issues them a NOI. Among the criteria is a requirement for the candidate to have at least 400 CRS points.

Invited candidates have six months to register on Ontario’s online application system and submit the application. Once registered, the candidate has 14 days to submit the application. A government processing fee of $1,500 CAD applies.

Ontario also has an Express Entry-aligned French speaking skilled worker stream, which, at the time of writing, remains open consistently.


On May 16, the popular international skilled worker -Express Entry of this province (SINP) reopened for 600 new applications. This was the third reopening this year, and the application intake typically fills within days, benefiting candidates who have prepared thoroughly in advance. Historically, intake periods do not come with prior notice.

At the time of writing, the sub-category remains open. If the intake is reached and the program subsequently closes for a period, it may reopen again later in 2017.

Among the eligibility criteria is a requirement to have work experience in an in-demand occupation. No job offer is required, and this work experience may be from outside Canada. For the most recent intake period, the province provided an updated occupations list, which may be reviewed below.

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Nova Scotia

There was a flurry of activity in the early May, with the highly popular Nova Scotia demand through Express Entry stream welcoming applications for the first time since 2015.

This stream contains two categories, one of which does not require a candidate to have a job offer. For this category (Category B), candidates must have at least one year of full-time (or equivalent part-time) skilled work experience in the last six years in one of the 16 ‘opportunity’ occupations considered by Nova Scotia.

Nova Scotia has a second Express Entry-aligned PNP stream, known as Nova scotia Experience -Express Entry. This stream, which remains open at the time of writing, provides a pathway to permanent residence for skilled applicants who have worked for a Nova Scotia employer for at least one year.

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British Columbia

On May 10, the (BC PNP) invited 364 candidates to apply for a provincial nomination certificate.. While this may seem like a small figure, it should be noted that this was the eight such draw in 2017, and on each occasion Express Entry candidates have been among the invitees.

Like Ontario, BC also has an invitation to apply system, but in BC’s case candidates must also register in the province’s own immigration managing system before being invited to apply.
