Problems remain in the second version of the reform of the Quebec Experience Program (PEQ)

Montreal, June 17, 2020 - Acfas believes that the new version of the reform of the Quebec Experience Program (PEQ) presented on May 28 by the Minister of Immigration, Francization and Integration, Simon Jolin-Barrette, includes improvements compared to the project tabled last fall, including the removal of the list of specific areas eligible for obtaining a work permit. Several points are problematic, however, including the grandfather clause promised in the fall and the work experience that will now be required of students.

According to the Minister's announcement last November, the grandfather clause should have applied to all students already in Quebec on November 1, 2019. However, this clause seems to only apply in the end '' to those who have already submitted a request by the time the regulation comes into force.

It is essential that the Government of Quebec respect its word and that students who have come to Quebec, attracted in particular by the prospect of subscribing to the PEQ, be able to access the program under current terms. Especially since the health crisis caused by COVID-19, many have lagged behind in their schooling. It would be unfortunate to penalize them further.

For Acfas, the main challenge of the PEQ reform, however, lies in the work experience required of students after obtaining a diploma. This situation seems to us to reflect a lack of consideration for the experience acquired during the university career, especially in the case of graduate students.

Indeed, master's and doctoral students are called upon to work as research assistants, teaching assistants or with partners, in addition to the research they carry out within the framework of their training. To these experiences are added the important transversal skills that they acquire and develop through their studies, whether in project management, analysis and resolution of complex problems, communication, etc.
"The experience acquired in research at the university is instructive," said Lyne Sauvageau, president of Acfas. “It develops the skills sought in an increasingly innovative job market. The current crisis shows us how important it is to know how to deal with new situations quickly and creatively. This is what our university graduates learn to do in research. "

Finally, Acfas believes that increasing the processing time from 20 days to six months will have a dissuasive effect on students eligible for the program. These delays appear unjustified.

In its current version, the PEQ is proving to be an effective program. Indeed, a forthcoming study obtained by Radio-Canada shows that it allows excellent integration of graduate students into the Quebec job market. It also gives Quebec an invaluable comparative advantage over other Canadian provinces in the ability to attract the skilled workers we so badly need. Innovation is an increasingly crucial pillar for our economy. Quebec cannot deprive itself of all these researchers, all of these students, trained here and ready to meet the challenges posed by current economic changes. Acfas wants the PEQ to remain accessible to all our graduates.


About Acfas
Acfas promotes knowledge as an engine for the development of our societies by bringing together actors and researchers in the French-speaking world. Resolutely forward-looking, it is a powerful vehicle for democratization and scientific communication. It values researchers from all disciplines, as well as research excellence.
Acfas is a non-profit organization contributing to the advancement of science in Quebec and in the Canadian Francophonie. Founded in 1923 under the name of Association canadienne-française pour l'Avancement des Sciences (Acfas), the organization was renamed Association Francophone pour le savoir between 2001 and May 2019. Since May 2019, the Association is simply called Acfas .

Acfas brings together individual members and weaves institutional partnerships, all motivated by the development of research, whatever the field. She collaborates with dozens of organizations from the university, college, public, parapublic, industrial and scientific culture and communication fields. It also partners with media partners to highlight research in the public arena and contribute to the development of a true knowledge society.
The mission of Acfas is to promote research and innovation as well as scientific culture in the French-speaking world, by contributing to the dissemination and enhancement of knowledge and scientific approach, with a view to improving quality of life in society.
