New Canadian passports have received different reactions and point of view from Canadians . The bearer’s photo is digitally embedded in the passport and the image is stored on the passport’s electronic chip. but the most important of all is the 10 years validity of the new passports to compare to the previous 5 years .
In some Canadians' opinion , passport’s watermarks, are a series of images telling the story of a Canada that one might have learned about in their Grade 10 history class in 1956. But according to the critics, it is not the story of what Canada is today .A bustling, multicultural nation home to men and, women, with a contemporary, ever-involving national narrative.
But the most crucial aspect of the new passport that had completely overlooked until now, was its secret identity. The hidden truth that, in order to truly see the document in its true light, one must look at it under a black light.
Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird did not hint at the passport’s inner secrets instead he talked about how the assembled images told “the world who we are: a nation built on freedom, democracy, human rights and the rule of law…”
The fact is that the new passport has a high price tag for Canadians but without a black light one cannot see the secret.