Changes have been made to the Quebec Skilled Worker Program list of areas of training that are in high demand. The new list applies to all applications as of January 26, 2015. There are differences between the new list and the previous list; therefore, it is important to verify the number of points you will be attributed before submitting your application.
Quebec will continue to prioritize the processing of skilled worker applications according to the points awarded on the list of areas of training. Therefore, if you have a degree and/or work experience in an area of training on the new list your application may be eligible for fast-track processing.
2015 list of areas of training that are in high demand:
- Accounting and Accounting Science (Bach.)
- Actuarial Science (Bach.)
- Aerospace, Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering (Bach.)
- Agricultural and Rural Engineering (Bach.)
- Agri-forest Engineering (Bach.)
- Applied Mathematics (Bach.) (Master's degree)
- Art History (Bach.)
- Banking and Financial Operations (Bach.)
- Basic and Applied Health Sciences (Bach.)(Master's degree)
- Biological and Biomedical Engineering (Bach.)
- Biological Sciences (Bach.)
- Biophysics (Bach.)
- Business Administration (Bach.)
- Business Management and Administration (Bach.)
- Chemical Engineering (Bach.)
- Civil, Construction and Transportation Engineering (Bach.)
- College Level Teacher Training (Master's degree)
- Communications and Journalism (Bach.)
- Compared Literature (Master's degree)
- Computer Engineering (Bach.)
- Computer Science (Bach.)
- Criminology (Bach.)
- Demography (Master's degree)
- Didactics (The Art of Teaching) (Bach.) (Master's degree)
- Dietetics and Nutrition (Bach.)
- Earth Sciences (Bach.)
- Economics (Bach.)
- Education (Bach.)
- Electrical, Electronic and Communications Engineering (Bach.)
- Energy (Master's degree)
- Engineering (Bach.)
- Environment (Environmental Quality and Pollution) (Bach.)
- Environmental Design (Bach.)
- Ethnology and Ethnography (Bach.) (Master's degree)
- Exercise Sciences (Bach.)
- Food Engineering (Bach.)
- Food Sciences and Technology (Bach.)
- French, General and Mother Tongue (Bach.)
- Genetics (Master's degree)
- Geodesy (Surveying) (Bach.)
- Geography (Bach.)
- Geology or Mineralogy (Bach.)
- Geopolitical Sciences (Bach.)
- Greco-Latin Humanities and Classical Archeology (Bach.)
- Guidance Counselling and Educational and Vocational Information(Bach.)
- Health Services Management (Master's degree)
- History (Bach.)
- Home Economics (Bach.)
- Human Resources Management (Bach.)
- Hydrology and Water Sciences (Master's degree)
- Industrial and Administrative Engineering (Bach.)
- Industrial Design (Bach.)
- Industrial Relations (Bach.)
- Information Management (Bach.)
- International Business (Bach.)
- Landscaping Architecture (Bach.)
- Library Science and Records Management (Bach.) (Master's degree)
- Linguistics (Phonetics, Semantics, Philology) (Bach.)
- Marketing and Purchasing (Bach.)
- Mathematics (Bach.)
- Mechanical Engineering (Bach.)
- Metallurgical and Materials Engineering (Bach.)
- Microbiology (Bach.)
- Mining Engineering (Bach.)
- Natural Resources (Bach.)
- Nuclear Engineering (Bach.)
- Nursing (Bach.)
- Oceanography (Master's degree)
- Operational Research (Bach.)
- Philosophy (Bach.)
- Physical Engineering (Bach.)
- Physical Science (Bach.)
- Phytotechnics (Bach.)
- Preschool Teacher Training (Bach.)
- Probability and Statistics (Bach.)
- Psychoeducation (Bach.) (Master's degree)
- Psychology (Bach.)(Master's degree)(Doctorate)
- Public Administration (Bach.)
- Pulp and Paper Engineering (Bach.)
- Recreology (Bach.)
- Religious Studies (Bach.)
- Rural and Agricultural Economics (Bach.)(Master's degree)
- Sexology (Bach.)
- Social Sciences and Humanities (Bach.)
- Social Work (Bach.)
- Specialist Primary and Secondary School Teacher Training (Bach.)
- Teaching at the Preschool and Elementary Levels (Bach.)
- Teaching at the Secondary Level (Bach.)
- Teaching in Vocational (Secondary) and Technical (College)
- Training of Special Education Teachers (Remedial Education) (Bach.)
- Translation (Bach.)
- University Pedagogy (Master's degree)
- Zoology (Bach.) (Master's degree)
- Zootechnics (Bach.)(Master's degree)
- Accounting and Management Techniques (ACS)(DCS)
- Agromechanical Engineering Technology (DCS)
- Aircraft Construction Techniques (ACS)(DCS)
- Aircraft Maintenance Techniques (ACS)(DCS)
- Aircraft piloting techniques (DCS)
- Animal Production Technology (DCS)
- Architectural Technology (ACS)(DCS)
- Building Appraisal and Assessment Technology (DCS)
- Building Systems Technology (ACS)(DCS)
- Business Management (DCS)
- Chemical Engineering Techniques (DCS)
- Chemical Process Techniques (ACS) (DCS)
- Circus Arts (ACS)(DCS)
- Civil Engineering Technology (DCS)
- Community Recreation Leadership Training Techniques (ACS) (DCS)
- Composite Material Processing Techniques (ACS) (DCS)
- Computer Science Techniques (ACS)(DCS)
- Dental Hygiene Techniques (DCS)
- Diagnostic Radiology Technology (ACS)(DCS)
- Dietetic Techniques (DCS)
- Documentation Techniques (ACS)(DCS)
- Early Childhood Education Techniques (ACS) (DCS)
- Environmental Occupational Health and Safety (ACS)(DCS)
- Environmental Techniques (DCS)
- Equine Techniques (DCS)
- Farm Management and Operations (DCS)
- Fashion Marketing (DCS)
- Food Processing and Quality Technology (ACS) (DCS)
- Furniture and Cabinetmaking Techniques (DCS)
- Geomatics Technology (DCS)
- Hearing Aids (DCS)
- Horticultural Production and Environmental Technology (DCS)
- Hotel Management Techniques (DCS)
- Hunting and Fishing Resources Development Techniques (DCS)
- Industrial Design Techniques (ACS) (DCS)
- Industrial Engineering Technology (ACS) (DCS)
- Industrial Maintenance Technology (ACS)(DCS)
- Insurance and Financial Advisory Services (DCS)
- Laboratory Techniques (ACS)(DCS)
- Legal Techniques (ACS)(DCS)
- Marine Mechanical Engineering Techniques (DCS)
- Mechanical Engineering Techniques (ACS)(DCS)
- Metallurgical Engineering Technology (ACS)(DCS)
- Mineral Processing (ACS)
- Mineral Technology (DCS)
- Multimedia Integration Techniques (ACS) (DCS)
- Museology Techniques (DCS)
- Naval Architecture Technology (DCS)
- Nuclear Medicine Technology (DCS)
- Nursing (ACS)(DCS)
- Office System Techniques (ACS)(DCS)
- Orthotic and Orthopedic Prosthesis Techniques (DCS)
- Pharmaceutical Production Technology (ACS) (DCS)
- Physical Rehabilitation Techniques (ACS)(DCS)
- Plastics Transformation Techniques (ACS)(DCS)
- Pre-Hospital Emergency Care (ACS) (DCS)
- Printing Works Management (DCS)
- Radiation Oncology Technology (DCS)
- Restaurant Management (DCS)
- Seafood Processing (DCS)
- Social Research Techniques (DCS)
- Social Work Techniques (ACS)(DCS)
- Special Care Counselling Techniques (ACS) (DCS)
- Tourism Techniques (DCS)
- Transportation Logistics Techniques (ACS)(DCS)
- Urban Planning Techniques (DCS)
- Visual Orthosis Techniques (DCS)
- Water Purification (ACS)(DCS)
- Youth and Adult Correctional Intervention Techniques (DCS)
- Agricultural Mechanics (DVS)
- Animal Production Technology (DVS)
- Automobile Mechanics (DVS)
- Automotive Body Repair and Repainting (DVS)
- Business Equipment Technical Service (DVS)
- Cable and Circuit Assembly (DVS)
- Computer Graphics (DVS)
- Concrete Preparation and Finishing (DVS)
- Construction Machine Mechanics (DVS)
- Construction Machine Operation (DVS)
- Decorative Upholstering (DVS)
- Diemaking (AVS)
- Electronic Audio/Video Equipment Repair (DVS)
- Elevator Mechanics (DVS)
- Field Crops (DVS)
- Fire Protection Mechanics (DVS)
- Flight Dispatch (DVS)
- Food and Beverage Services (DVS)
- Glassware Cutting and Treatment (DVS)
- Hardware Store Sales (DVS)
- Health, Assistance, and Nursing (DVS)
- Heavy Road Equipment Mechanics (DVS)
- Home Care (DVS)
- Industrial Drafting (DVS)
- Industrial Upholstering (DVS)
- Installation and Maintenance of Security Systems (DVS)
- Installation of Electrical Transmission Lines (DVS)
- Interior Decorating and Display (DVS)
- Machining Techniques (DVS)
- Maple Syrup Production (DVS)
- Masonry: Bricklaying (DVS)
- Motorized Equipment Customer Consultation (DVS)
- Mould Making (AVS)
- Moulding (DVS)
- Moulding Machine Set-up and Operation (DVS)
- Northern Heavy Equipment Operations (DVS)
- Plumbing and Heating (DVS)
- Professional Cooking (DVS)
- Professional Sales (DVS)
- Residential and Commercial Drafting (DVS)
- Retail Butchery (DVS)
- Secretarial Studies (DVS)
- Stationary Machine Mechanics (DVS)
- Surveying and Topography (DVS)
- Toolmaking (AVS)
- Water Treatment (DVS)