Authorisation to return to Canada

An Authorisation to Return to Canada (ARC) is required for certain types of removal orders. It is definitely required for a Deportation Order and Canadian immigration law places a priority on compliance. Should an individual be deported from Canada, he or she is subjected to a permanent bar on returning to Canada as a consequence of non-compliance. Accordingly, the issuance of an ARC is based on justification on a case-by-case basis, rather than a routine means of overcoming the bar.


Applications for an ARC must demonstrate that the individual poses a minimal risk to the Canadian society.

Factors to consider when assessing an ARC application include:

* The severity of the violation that led to the removal.

* The applicant's immigration history of cooperation with Immigration authorities, such as the existence of warrants, failure to appear at a hearing, payment of removal costs, voluntary removal, and so forth.

* The reasons for the applicant's request to return to Canada, such as: exceptional circumstances, family ties, a bona fide marriage, job qualifications, or economic contribution, the best interest of children directly implicated in the application, financial ability of the applicant, attendance at a funeral of a family member, and the intended length of stay in Canada.
