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As a temporary resident in Canada, obtaining a Social Insurance Number (SIN) is essential for work and accessing government services. Here's how you can get your SIN quickly and easily:

After submitting a family class application, it's crucial to inform IRCC about any significant changes. If you add a new family member, such as a dependent child or a newborn, you'll need to pay th...

The Canadian government plans to halt processing study permits for international students if their schools fail to track enrollment and compliance. New regulations, currently proposed and published...

To maintain eligibility for a Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP), international students must generally maintain full-time status throughout their studies. However, there are exceptions to this rul...

An Ontario court has approved a class-action lawsuit against the federal government, initiated by immigration detainees held in provincial jails. Representing 8,360 individuals detained by the Cana...

The IRCC is considering changes to the Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) eligibility criteria. The aim is to align PGWP issuance with Canada's labor market needs. If implemented, these changes cou...
